

00:13 ranch dressing 田園沙拉醬,牧場沙拉醬(指一種由蛋黃醬和酸奶、大蒜等調和而成的沙拉醬)
「ranch dressing」的圖片搜尋結果

thousand island dressing 千島醬
「thousand island sauce」的圖片搜尋結果

00:51 Sriracha jalapeno poppers 墨西哥辣椒醬爆米花
「Sriracha jalapeno poppers」的圖片搜尋結果

sriracha: (通常指泰式或越式)酸甜辣醬
jalapeno: 墨西哥辣椒
popper: (爆玉米花的)鍋子(或容器)

00:56 Mac n' cheese topped with barbecue potato chips. 起司通心粉加燒烤洋芋片
「mac n cheese potato chips」的圖片搜尋結果
Mac n' 是 macaroni and 的縮寫,macaroni 是通心粉的意思
「macn cheese」的圖片搜尋結果

top with: to decorate or finish something by adding something 裝飾

00:57 Chilli cheese fries with sour cream. 辣椒起司薯條配酸奶油
「chili and cheese fries」的圖片搜尋結果

01:00 double-stuffed deep-fried oreos 油炸雙層夾心oreos
「double stuf deep fried oreo」的圖片搜尋結果

01:18 orgasm 高潮

04:39 corpse 屍體
ex: The corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition. 這具屍體正處於分解的初期。
pocalypse 啟示錄

05:14 I just cracked myself up. 我剛剛突然笑了
crack sb up: to suddenly make someone laugh a lot
ex: I took one look at her and cracked up.

05:49 lip gloss 唇蜜

06:09 phony: not true, real, or genuine 【口】假的
ex: He gave a phony name to the police. 他給警察一個假名。

06:14 penthouse: an expensive apartment or set of rooms at the top of a hotel or tall building 空中別墅
ex: The singer is staying in a penthouse suite (= set of rooms) in the Hilton. 

06:44 deep pools of sapphire 深邃的天藍色
sapphire: a precious stone, usually bright blue, that is often used in jewellery 一種藍寶石

06:54 My gut is never wrong. 我的直覺從來不會錯
sb's gut: a way of deciding what should be done or what is right, that is based on how someone feels rather than thinking about reasons 直覺
ex: My head said that I should go but my gut said I should stay.

09:15 beige wingtip 米色的雕花牛津鞋
「beige wingtip」的圖片搜尋結果

15:57 minor 未成年
ex: He was accused of having sex with a minor.

16:32 to take the words out of sb's mouth: to say something that another person was just about to say or was thinking
ex: "I'm the wind beneath your winds?" "You took the words right out of my mouth."
我是你翅膀下的風嗎? 就是這個意思。

17:11 statutory: decided or controlled by law 法令的,法規的
ex: statutory control of wages 薪資的法定控制

18:26 Because I couldn't take your obnoxious gloating. 因為我受不了你那討人厭的幸災樂禍
obnoxious: very unpleasant or rude 令人非常不快的,討厭的,可憎的
ex: Some of his colleagues say that he's loud and obnoxious.

gloat: to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else's failure or bad luck 幸災樂禍地注視
ex: He was gloating over the ruin of his rival. 他幸災樂禍地看著他的對手身敗名裂。

19:54 meddle around sb's life 干預某人的人生
meddle:  to intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere 干涉
ex: My sister's always meddling in other people's affairs.





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