



00:55 degrade: to cause people to feel that they or other people have no value and do not have the respect or good opinion of others 降低...的地位;使丟臉
ex: He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies. 他因欺騙、撒謊而使自己蒙羞。

02:30 maverick: a person who thinks and acts in an independent way, often behaving differently from the expected or usual way 不合常規的、自行其事的
ex: How do I impress a maverick hacker?

02:31 spitball (n.) 紙團

02:42 moonroof 天窗

2:59 booze 酒;含有酒精的飲料
ex: a bottle of booze

03:44 demeaning: causing someone to become or feel less respected  貶低人的;有損人格的
ex: It was very demeaning to be criticized in front of all my colleagues.

05:49 My hand-eye coordination is severely compromised. 我手眼嚴重不協調。
coordination: 協調
comprimise: 妥協、和解

05:52 dead on: exactly right;perfect. 
ex: His criticism on my mistakes is dead on the target.他對我的錯誤提出批評,真是一針見血。

06:14 anemia: 貧血

11:12 nacho: 烤起司玉米碎片

12:49 put sb on the spot: If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision 使某人不知所措




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